
Learn with Confidence, Accuracy, Stamina, and Determination with Structure of Intellect

Marcus Lim
Director and Teacher

After discovering the Structure of Intellect (SOI) approach, Marcus started Thinking Beyond in order to share with parents the importance of kickstarting and developing young children’s cognitive skills.

As a certified SOI practitioner, Marcus delivers the tools and materials that are needed to help students who are struggling academically and to challenge those gifted by giving them solid cognitive foundation and by developing students’ cognitive abilities so that they can become successful in their academic and future careers.

Kathy Lim
Co-Ordinator and Teacher

Having accumulated over 20 years of teaching experience in mainstream and private schools and working with both local and foreign students of the widest competency levels, Kathy, too, wondered about the cognitive fundamentals of each of her students and knew why certain pupils struggle with their progress despite putting in much effort and time. Together with Marcus, they do presentations and consultations, emphasizing to parents the importance of empowering their children with learning strategies that match their unique brain profiles as they venture on Thinking Beyond’s customized learning routes.

Hana Khamis

Currently teaching both pre-primary enrichment and academic classes, Hana passionately believes that the SOI program can help to meet the learning needs of her students and continues to specialise in facilitating the children’s learning under the Thinking Beyond program. She recognises the uniqueness of learning styles of every kid and tries to help her students bridge their cognitive gap.

Our students look to her as a patient and passionate teacher who connects well with everyone and will walk the extra mile to help empower them achieve learning success.

Be the next success story, find out how

Drop us an inquiry if you like to know more about our program or if you have any questions!